
The presentation subject must be drawn from the topics covered during topics 1-5. Presentations will normally last no longer than 20 minutes (equivalent to 2000 words), and you will normally work in groups of three (larger groups will be allowed longer presentation times, to be agreed). Presentations should include a good range of appropriate illustration in audio-visual format. In all cases, your presented should be informed and supported by a range of critical sources, which must be appropriately acknowledged.

Indicative Presentation Topics

  • Consider and analyse ONE example of the relationship between music and text in a work of your choice
  • Prepare  a  muso-­poetic  analysis of a  work  of  your  choice.
  • Apply a semiological analysis to ONE musical work by a selected composer of your choice.

In all cases, you should translate your chosen presentation topic into a specific presentation title, in consultation with your module tutor. Email me or see me to discuss an area of interest by week 3 if not earlier. A list of topics and group members will be posted on the website.

The presentations will be scheduled during the class sessions in weeks 6 and 7 (in the Recital Hall). All students must attend the entirety of both presentation sessions.